Buy T700 carbon fiber sheet from China 1768
Buy T700 carbon fiber sheet from China
T700 carbon fiber sheet price
Know About Carbon Fiber
Carbon fiber is a new variety of super strong material that is also lightweight. It is five times as strong as steel and two times as stiff, yet it only weighs about two-thirds less. Carbon fibre is just thin strands of carbon, even thinner than human hair. These strands can be braided or twisted together just like yarn.
The method for manufacturing carbon fibers is part chemical and part mechanical. The material is strained into long strands of fiber and heated to a very high temperature without letting it come in contact with oxygen. The fiber cannot burn without oxygen. The material then goes through a process called carbonization. The attempts to mass produce Carbon Fiber have failed so far due to scarce demand and lack of skilled workers. Not to mention that it is expensive.
During processing, certain pieces of carbon fibers can break off. They circulate in the air in the form of fine dust and they are health hazards when inhaled. However, people working in the area must wear protective masks. Skin irritation may also be another area of concern because the sizing materials used to coat the fibers contain chemicals that may cause severe skin reactions. Always wear protective clothing or use barrier skin creams in areas where carbon dust is present. In addition, carbon fibers are good conductors of electricity. The carbon dust can cause shorts and arcing in electrical equipment. Most often electrical equipments that cannot be moved from the area where carbon dust is present, the equipment is kept and sealed in cabinets or other types of enclosure.
This material is often employed in high-quality planes, boats, cars, Formula One race cars and bicycles. It can also be incorporated in marine decorations, general aviation interiors, musical instruments and general entertainment. As we all know, that most cars, airplanes, boats are made of steel. By replacing these steel components with carbon fiber would basically reduce the weight by 60 percent say example, for cars. That drop in weight would reduce the car's fuel consumption by 30 percent. With a lighter carbon fiber body, car manufacturers could build cars with smaller and efficient engines. Reducing weight, increasing fuel efficiency and develop other different kinds of engines.
Let's take a look at some composites that makes carbon fiber stand out. Its high tensile strength. Low thermal expansion which means that they will expand much less in hot or cold conditions than materials like aluminum and steel. Exceptional durability, Corrosion-resistant, Radiolucence, meaning, carbon fiber is invisible in x-rays and transparent to radiation, making it valuable for usage in medical facilities. Electrical conductivity and it is also UV resistant given with use of proper resins.
The downside about these fibers, is when they are compressed, exposed to high impact and pushed beyond its capabilities they will break. It will crack if hit by a hammer. The relative cost of these materials is high. While some prices may have dropped in the past years, demand has not increased enough to produce more supplies. So expect that in the near future, prices for carbon fiber will likely remain the same.